Overview Formula One Testing In 1990

You can’t imagine it now though there were years in the Formula One there were plenty of test drivers per team. Or teams tested in between races to test new aerodynamics or new engines. Or just to cash extra money by letting unknown drivers, who will never arrive, experience the Formula 1.As many of these […]

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Gary B

The forgotten F1 driver Gary B.

There were decades in the Formula One that there were more teams and drivers than places on the grid. Forty entrants for a Grand Prix was no exception, it was the reality in the 1980s and 1990s. While we all known the ill-fated teams as Pacific, Coloni, Osella, EuroBrun, Zakspeed and so on. There is […]

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The stillborn Rial Racing ARC3

Rial Racing was established in  1988 as Formula One constructor. Rial is a German producer of light allow wheels and rims, which was bought by Günter Schmid in 1987. Ex owner of the ATS Wheels company and the ATS Formula One team. Under his lead Rial debuted in the Formula One in 1988. In 1989 […]

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