
Weekly column 4: WeSayNoToSaudiArabia

It is called the weekly column though i’m aware it is far from a weekly column. Whenever I feel like it, I will write one. Mostly about topics, I’m discussing about, worrying about or just have an opinion about to share. Those who follow UnracedF1 as well on the socials aren’t surprised for this time […]

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Sinclair Special

The Sinclair Special from the Persuaders

Did you know that in the Persuaders, a brilliant series from the early 1970s, Brett Sinclair is also a Grand Prix driver? There is even the Sinclair Special featured in the episode “Someone Waiting” an episode about bribing people out of the race at Silverstone, which Brett Sinclair eventually would win. So which car was […]

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Grand Prix 4

Grand Prix 4 for the original Xbox

Earlier this week i wrote about the unreleased Grand Prix 3 port for the Dreamcast. Today I write about the unreleased Grand Prix 4 port for the Xbox. Yes, on the 15th of October Grand Prix 4 for the Xbox was scheduled to be released by Infrogrames.  The game would never appear on the Xbox. […]

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