What seems to be the biggest illusion since they simple “disappeared” as sponsor from Haas F1, became reality. The Myth, The Legend it is for real. Because I’m one of the few to have it, to be able to smell, taste and enjoy it. Indeed, I’m talking about Rich Energy, the energy drink that fits perfectly in the row with XTC (Simtek) and T-Minus energy (Arrows). I’m the lucky one that received not one or two cans no an entire tray from them! Probably, many of you will say I’m unlucky. Mind you, it took them 1,5 years and four “shipments” before I received them randomly.
It started as in I would like to buy some cans, so I can taste them for myself there was not really a need from my side to just get them. Over here in the Netherlands, there is no way to get them. According to people in the UK it isn’t even available in the supermarkets. Only available on tele shopping channels! Yes, it really does check out the tweet below! I’m not joking that it took them 1,5years to have it shipped and in between telling me that they shipped it. It is forgiven, because I received them!
There has been written a lot and plenty of Podcasts have been dedicated about Rich Energy and their CEO William Storey. I did read them, I did listen to the podcasts and I even wrote the book about Rich Energy by Elizabeth Blackstock and Alanis King. Yet, I believe you have to check it out for yourself, if you can, before give your final opinion.
Here I am, writing this article while sipping an Ice Cold can of Rich Energy. All I can say is that I actually like their product! I drank a lot of energy drinks in my life. I always like to taste brands, especially locally or small once, when I’m abroad. If I have to believe the comments by people, it is good as toilet cleaner. However, I have to be honest; it is a good energy drink. Especially the aroma’s and the further it goes through your mouth and mixes up with your taste buds it give a nice and smooth feeling. It is from the same quality of Red Bull if you ask me. Slightly sweeter in taste, though that’s all.
Of course, it still is interesting to see that Rich Energy, like Red Bull, is made of Austrian spring water. Yet, I truly believe anyone should try, if they can, an ice-cold can of Rich Energy. What I don’t get is their not interested in a proper campaign to promote their energy drink. I do believe that Rich Energy would be the perfect energy drink to drink at festivals I tastes much better then stuff like Burn Energy.
So yes, while it took them that long to have it shipped, and I’m really sure they haven’t before, I’m glad they shipped it to me. Who knows what the future will bring!