F1 Racing Championship 2

Unraced: F1 Racing Championship 2

I might have a weird habit if it is about cancelled stuff. I love to know the reason why something gets cancelled or abandoned. That is basically what UnracedF1 is. Investigating all those amazing stories of teams that were to enter the grid.  The same goes for gaming. There are probably more games not released […]

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Grand Prix 4

Grand Prix 4 for the original Xbox

Earlier this week i wrote about the unreleased Grand Prix 3 port for the Dreamcast. Today I write about the unreleased Grand Prix 4 port for the Xbox. Yes, on the 15th of October Grand Prix 4 for the Xbox was scheduled to be released by Infrogrames.  The game would never appear on the Xbox. […]

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Terug naar de Gameshop in Haarlem

Het was weer eens de hoogste tijd om naar de Gameshop in Haarlem te gaan, mijn collectie van retro consoles en handhelds schreeuwde daar immers om. Je weet wel die game winkel waar ik al eens eerder over schreef, bij binnentreding van de winkel stap je in een tijdscapsule die je regelrecht terugbrengt naar 1993. […]

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