Nikita Mazepin

From Russia: Nikita Mazepin

Nikita Mazepin will make his debut in the Formula One this year.  He already has built up a bad reputation during the years. Because of his behaviour on and off the track. He will race for the Haas team, the team that had no big main sponsor since the shady energy drink company Rich Energy. […]

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Just another F1 2020 season review

What can we say about the 2020 season? It is the most insane and perhaps strangest F1 season after we started racing again after the war. We landed in Australia, we were ready to race though covid-19 decided different. We had to be patient for a couple of months. However, eventually we would race again, […]

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Sinclair Special

The Sinclair Special from the Persuaders

Did you know that in the Persuaders, a brilliant series from the early 1970s, Brett Sinclair is also a Grand Prix driver? There is even the Sinclair Special featured in the episode “Someone Waiting” an episode about bribing people out of the race at Silverstone, which Brett Sinclair eventually would win. So which car was […]

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Kiele Kiele Saoedi-Arabië

Kiele Kiele Saoedi-Arabië kiele kiele dus niet!

Kiele Kiele Saoedi-Arabië de oudere generatie kent het nummer van Farce Majeure’s waarschijnlijk nog wel. Alleen dan over Koeweit. Het carnavalslied dat schijnbaar alles nog meer op scherp wist te stellen tussen onze relatie met Israël en met de Arabieren.  Anno 2020 zijn de Israëliërs de grootste vrienden van de Arabieren. En Liberty Media is […]

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Historic Grand Prix Zandvoort

Historic Grand Prix Zandvoort 2020

Last weekend the ninth edition of the Historic Grand Prix at Zandvoort was held. However, this year was different from others years.  There were les race series than previous years and there was no historic stage setting. Was this an issue for this year’s event?  If you ask me this, I will say no it […]

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