
De regen in SPA en de raketten in Jeddah

Dit weekend werd de Saudische Grand Prix weer verreden op het stratencircuit van Jeddah. U weet wel, diezelfde Grand Prix waarbij vorig jaar op 5 december het Saudische regime besloot om onschuldige Jemenieten kapot te bombarderen tijdens de race. Vele van jullie hielden je afzijdig. Velen van jullie wisten het niet eens. Op vrijdag explodeerde […]

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The wild and notorious Formula one

Yesterday i purchased a bunch of Autosport magazines from 1987 up to 2000. The first edition I opened showed an article regarding a test drive for Olivier Panis in the Benetton B193, which seemed never happened. He got this opportunity for his results in other series. However, the next article I read was about the […]

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Jordan Vodafone F1 Team

You probably remember the Vodafone sponsorship with the Scuderia from 2002 until 2006. The younger once probably remember it as the main sponsor for McLaren from 2007 until 2013. Or if you’re a nut like me you remember the branding on the front wing of the Benetton B201. What many probably forgot or simply don’t […]

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