Only a few minutes ago Martin Bellefeuille tagged me on twitter in an article from City News Montreal. The news “Gilles Villeneuve statue stolen in Berthierville”. Right in front of the museum that dedicates Villeneuve’s legacy it got stolen. Stolen during the night from Wednesday to Thursday. Who in his right mind steals a statue to start with?! What are you thinking when you decide to steal the statue. Probably because it is bronze? Only to melt it down for your own greed and pathetic way of thinking? Is it more important than the legacy that brought Gilles to Quebec, Canada and all over the world?
Probably the greed is more important than the legacy. There are millions fans who keep Gilles in their heart. I’m afraid it is already too little too late to bring this under your attention and under the attention of my fellow Canadian followers and readers.
For those who stole the statue. Are you proud of yourself? Would your parents be proud of you? Stealing the heritage that keeps the memories of Gilles vivid and alive. Really, is your pathetic greed bigger and more important? What is wrong with you, were you bullied at school. Or are you just some low scum moron who has no sense at all of what is going on. Do you, and you all, understand what you did with stealing the statue?
The Museum offers a 12000 Canadian Dollar reward for those who find or knows more about the destruction of this heritage. Which not only hits the museum, locals and all Canada as well all Formula One fans! If you know more please get in contact with
If you’re this big to steal, bring the statue back to where it belongs, or call someone anonymous where to find the statue. You won’t I know because you lack any sense of reality. My advice, use your brains for once and bring the statue back. Apologise in front of live television and go into custody for your deed.
Gilles who died too soon, his legacy will continue to exist don’t worry!